domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

The Farthest Galaxy Pinpointed

I was boring as hell so I decided to take a look to google earth , a friend told me to switch to sky view and I found it quite amazing. how detailed the constelations and stars are and with lot of information about'em

Then I got quite interesting in knowing what is the farthest galaxy ever discovered and after a little bit of research ( using Google of course ) I found that UDFy-38135539 is the farthest galaxy discovered by the Huddle Telescope. Astronomers have confirmed that UDFy-38135539 galaxy in the constellation Fornax is the most distant known object in the universe, shining more than 13 billion light-years away and reflecting an era when stars were just beginning to emerge from a cosmic fog and they found that we are seeing it when the Universe was less than 600 million years old. Here is a picture from UDFy-38135539

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

A Message


And who comes to my mind when I hear this? 

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

Peace of Mind

Today was one of those weird days that ended with something out of common. So , here is the details

Today was my day off , I used it to do all my personal matters ( pay bills , get my place organized , things that you normally do in your free time ) after doing all these things I got in the mood to workout a little so I put my pants and tennis shoes on and went out for a little fresh air.

There's a long walk path in one of the public parks close to my place , after jogging for a little more than an hour I reached a point where the path leads to a hill and by luck the sun was hiding behind the hill. The view was quite impressive specially the clouds and the red glow in the horizont. I sat down on the soil to enjoy the view. I don't know why or how my head stopped thinking , nothing crossed my mind. I felt relaxed staring at the sky itself , worrying about nothing. I never though that a simple sunset could cause all this peace of mind on me, I never have experienced peace like the one those clouds brought to me.

It's really amazing how great things are hidden in the most common things. I made my mind and I will start shooting at sunsets and skies. I want to be a landscape sniper